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Showing posts from December, 2017

Hadoop Training In Delhi - Learn the New Tricks of Marketing!

The ways of marketing have changed tremendously in the last decade, with the role of internet affecting all parts of our life. No business, big or small, can survive in isolation, especially in the present day and age. The old-school ways of marketing are no longer as effective as they used to be. Most of the significant brands are also occupying a place in the internet network. Most of the potential customers are online anyways, and bringing a brand online looks like a logical step. These days, people are being more and more interested in adopting Hadoop, as it is an essential element of Digital Marketing. Let us go through some of the ways in which Hadoop is essential in the marketing ecosystem. Data Size:  Hadoop is essentially the best companion you might need when you are handling a huge volume of data which comes from diverse sources and formats, in other words, you are handling Big Data. Planning for Future:  To plan for Hadoop, one first needs a good understanding of the