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Showing posts from November, 2018

Hadoop Training In Gurgaon - Learn Hadoop to Reinvent Your Marketing Game!

The world of digital marketing is ever-evolving and there are new things coming in every day which are changing the marketing game. It is no surprise that no business work in isolation and the internet is an integral part of every brand. Most of the target audience or the potential customers are present online and having a proper online presence seems to the only logical plan. This brings in the requirements of Hadoop, as it is an essential element of Digital Marketing. If you are searching for a place to acquire Hadoop training in Gurgaon , let us first explore how Hadoop helps a business and how it is an essential element in the marketing ecosystem.   Planning for Future: Hadoop demands a good understanding of data and cluster planning in its totality. One can start by developing a smaller cluster according to the data that your company deals with, and later on analyze the cluster for the future, keeping in mind the possible growth of the data.   Data Size: When a company is